Repsol Sines Petrochemical Complex

Repsol Sines Petrochemical Complex

1995 - 2009

Repsol Sines Petrochemical Complex - Silos

Repsol Sines Petrochemical Complex - Silos

2000 - 2001

Ribeira dos Socorridos – Multipurpose Undertaking

Ribeira dos Socorridos – Multipurpose Undertaking

2004 - 2006

Hydroelectrical Reversible Station of Lagoa das Furnas

Hydroelectrical Reversible Station of Lagoa das Furnas

2011 - 2011

Hydroelectrical Central and Pumping Station of Calheta

Hydroelectrical Central and Pumping Station of Calheta

2010 - 2010

Biogas Energy Improvement of the West Landfill

Biogas Energy Improvement of the West Landfill

2010 - 2011

Hydroelectrical Power Station of Ucanha – Gouviães

Hydroelectrical Power Station of Ucanha – Gouviães

1999 - 2000

Hydroelectrical Power Station of Fraga

Hydroelectrical Power Station of Fraga

2001 - 2002

Hydroelectrical Power Station of Janeiro de Cima

Hydroelectrical Power Station of Janeiro de Cima

1991 - 1992

Hydroelectric Power Station of Penacova

Hydroelectric Power Station of Penacova

1997 - 1999

Barroca Hydroelectric Facility

Barroca Hydroelectric Facility

1996 - 2005

Fronhas Hydroelectric Development

Fronhas Hydroelectric Development

2005 - 2009

Hydroelectrical Power Station of Vale Madeira

Hydroelectrical Power Station of Vale Madeira

2008 - 2009

The Solar Thermal Central of Tavira

The Solar Thermal Central of Tavira

2007 - 2008

Wind Park of Arada/Montemuro

Wind Park of Arada/Montemuro

2003 - 2014

Wind Park of Sicó

Wind Park of Sicó

2002 - 2011

Foz Tua Hydroelectric

Foz Tua Hydroelectric

2011 - 2018

Electrification of 61 Communes in the Malanje, Bié, Moxico, Luanda-Norte and Luanda-Sul Provinces

Electrification of 61 Communes in the Malanje, Bié, Moxico, Luanda-Norte and Luanda-Sul Provinces

2021 - 2021

Feasibility study for Mavuzi II hydropower project

Feasibility study for Mavuzi II hydropower project

2020 - 2021

Nachtigal Hydroelectric Power Plant

Nachtigal Hydroelectric Power Plant

2021 - ONGOING

Mpanda Nkuwa Transmission Line Project

Mpanda Nkuwa Transmission Line Project

2023 - ONGOING