Alto Sabor and Vinhais Water Supply System

Alto Sabor and Vinhais Water Supply System
Alto Sabor and Vinhais Water Supply System
Alto Sabor and Vinhais Water Supply System

This project had as main objective the Improvement of Alto Sabor Water Supply System WTP and Vinhais Water Supply System WTP, Pumping Stations and Reservoirs. The overall project was divided into two separate projects.

Contract 1 (C1) included the Water Supply System of Vinhais, comprising Vinhais and Vila Verde WTP and main system, pumping stations and reservoirs. The verification of the existing treatment elements and the design of the elements to be built were included on this phase.

Contract 2 (C2) consisted on the improvement of França WTP. A diagnosis of the current situation was carried out. The existing treatment elements were checked and the elements to be built were designed.

These rehabilitation projects included the following infrastructures:

  • França WTP: 60 000 equivalent inhabitants (620 m3/h) corresponding to a net production of 14 835 m3/day, on a 24-hour basis;
  • Vinhais WTP: design of the elements to be built for the maximum flow rate of 13 L/s (1 123 m3/d) and an average flow rate of 751 m3/d.


Base Design

Technical Assistance to Construction Works

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2010 - 2014





TPF Consultores


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