The main studies and projects covered by the Global Project (sized for a 25-year project horizon) included the following infrastructures:
- Studies for the completion of the Sanitation Network and Construction of the WWTP in Cidade Velha, in the municipality of Ribeira Grande, Santiago island, for a population of 3136;
- Study for the improvement of the Drainage System and WWTP in the Municipality of Santa Cruz, Santiago Island, for a population of 14761;
- Study for the implementation of the Drainage System and WWTP in São Lourenço dos Órgãos, Santiago island, for a population of 2037;
- Study for the Technical Evaluation of the WWTP of Ribeira da Vinha, S. Vicente island, for a population of 56164.
Characterization Study and Infrastructure, Environmental, Social and Gender Diagnosis, Preliminary and Detail Design