Studies and Designs I, within the Water and Sanitation Fund (FASA)

Studies and Designs I, within the Water and Sanitation Fund (FASA)
Studies and Designs I, within the Water and Sanitation Fund (FASA)
Studies and Designs I, within the Water and Sanitation Fund (FASA)

The main studies and projects covered by the Global Project (sized for a 25-year project horizon) included the following infrastructures:

  • Studies for the completion of the Sanitation Network and Construction of the WWTP in Cidade Velha, in the municipality of Ribeira Grande, Santiago island, for a population of 3136;
  • Study for the improvement of the Drainage System and WWTP in the Municipality of Santa Cruz, Santiago Island, for a population of 14761;
  • Study for the implementation of the Drainage System and WWTP in São Lourenço dos Órgãos, Santiago island, for a population of 2037;
  • Study for the Technical Evaluation of the WWTP of Ribeira da Vinha, S. Vicente island, for a population of 56164.


Characterization Study and Infrastructure, Environmental, Social and Gender Diagnosis, Preliminary and Detail Design

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Work's Value

7 M€


2014 - 2015



Millennium Challenge Account – Cape Verde II (MCA-CV II)


TPF Consultores



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