Water Supply System - Oued El Kebir/ Boukhroufa / Boulatane

Water Supply System - Oued El Kebir/ Boukhroufa / Boulatane
Water Supply System - Oued El Kebir/ Boukhroufa / Boulatane
Water Supply System - Oued El Kebir/ Boukhroufa / Boulatane

Transfer of water resources between basins (dominating an area of 969 km2), between the Oued El Kebir River, the Boukhroufa Dam and the Boulatane Dam, in the Province of El Tarf, comprising the following main infrastructure:

  • Weir equipped with inflatable gates;
  • Water Intake and Pumping Station equipped for 1.7 m3/s and a Discharge Head of 85 m;
  • Water Supply System: by Pumping, with 1.4 km and by Gravity, with 6 km, both in 1200 mm diameter piping between Oued El Kebir and the Boukhroufa Dam;
  • Gravity Water Supply System, with 3.3 km, in 1400 mm diameter piping between Boukhroufa and Boulatane Dams;
  • Transition chambers, entrance and exit of the Boukhroufa and Boulatane dams.

This project included the hydrological and regularization study, geological, geotechnical and seismicity study, technical-economic study of variant solutions, environmental impact study and water quality, topographical works and geological-geotechnical prospecting and call for tenders processes.


Detail Design

Environmental Impact Study

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Work's Value

13 M€


2016 - 2019



ANBT – Agence National des Barrages et Transferts


TPF Consultores



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