Pouca Roupa Dam

Pouca Roupa Dam
Pouca Roupa Dam

The Pouca Roupa Dam, at Almadafe River, has a reservoir with a capacity of 1,9 hm3 to irrigate 210 ha.

Type of dam: Landfill;
Dam’s maximum height: 16 m;
Landfill volume: 122 dam3;
Development and width of the crest of dam: 500 m and 4 m;
Spillway: labyrinth weir with 58 m of useful development, outlet channel with 94,5 m and a ski jump (Qdim = 54 m3/s);
Intake: tower with 15 m height, a 25 m bridge, admission through two holes and a DN 1200 mm pipeline.


Detail Design

Environmental Impact Study

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Work's Value

0,5 M€


1997 - 1999



Sociedade Agrícola do Ameixial, S.A.


TPF Consultores


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