Amieiras River Dam

Amieiras River Dam
Amieiras River Dam
Amieiras River Dam

The dam Amieiras River, located on the river of the same name, has a reservoir with a total storage volume of 743 dam3 (976 dam3 a future second phase) for the irrigation of 202 ha.
Type of dam: landfill with homogeneous profile with foundation water proofing with curtain injection of cement grout;
Maximum height of dam: 24 m;
Volume of landfill: 135 dam3;
Development and crown width: 160 I 7 m;
Spillway flood: labyrinth spillway with 33 m developing useful channel for refund with 82 bowl me
energy dissipation USBR type III (Qdim = 121.5 m3 / s);
Water intake: Tower with 24.7 m high, 62.5 m walkway, admission through 2 holes and duct DN 1200 mm;
Accessibility: access path to the crown and bottom discharge


Detail Design

Environmental Impact Study

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Work's Value

0,27 M€


2004 - 2005



DRABL - Direcção Regional de Agricultura da Beira Litoral


TPF Consultores


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