Study of Environmental Impact of the Dam of Brenhas and Respective Irrigation Blocks

Study of Environmental Impact of the Dam of Brenhas and Respective Irrigation Blocks
Study of Environmental Impact of the Dam of Brenhas and Respective Irrigation Blocks

The Study of Environmental Incidence has looked into the viability of different settings of the Hydroagricultural Perimeter of Brenhas due to various alternatives for water sources.

The fact of the dam Brenhas (height: 15 m; basin: 28.6 km2; volume: 0.90 hm 3), be located in an area that is strongly conditioned by the geological point of view and with reduced capacity of regulation and storage, implied the analysis of alternatives for water sources (pumping stations in the Ardila river) which also focuses on the environmental component.

An analysis was made with the depth and appropriate disposition for a study area of 1 960 ha, targeting both the positive impacts, such as those that could potentially create serious situations in environmental terms, in order to define solutions that can best meet the requirements technical, socio-economic and environmental.


Environmental Assessment Study

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2010 - 2012



EDIA - Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infra-estruturas do Alqueva


TPF Consultores


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