The territorial scope of the MMP corresponds to the Municipality of Huambo, including, in addition to the Commune of Huambo (municipal headquarters), the Communes of Chipipa and Calima. The municipality of Huambo has an area of 2720 km2, of which 551 km2 correspond to the main commune and the remaining 814 km2 and 1355 km2 to the municipalities of Chipipa and Calima, respectively.
The elaboration of the Plan involved four main aspects:
Regulation of the Municipal Master Plan
Report of the Plan's Rationale
Execution and Financing Program
Report of Analysis and Diagnosis of the Existing Situation
Report of the Participation Process in the context of the preparation of the MMP
2011 - 2012
Governo Provincial do Huambo
TPF Consultores
ProSistemas Angola, InterServiços