The Project of the Green Infrastructure Park in Beira City aims to improve natural drainage in this city through investments in green infrastructure and incorporating solutions that aim to increase Beira's resilience to climate change, improving flood control and preparing it to face the effects of climate change, being an intervention that occurs along 3.5 km of the extension of the Chiveve River, which flows through an urbanized area.
The Project aims to create a space of urban park, unified and interconnected, that extends through the three basins of the river with a pedestrian path that connects the area of Goto, in Basin Three, to the fishing port adjacent to Basin One, being foreseen in this basin the creation of a recreational area with sidewalks, a water park, an outdoor gym, playgrounds, sports facilities and an avenue with terrace spaces.
In Basin Two, with a cultural focus, the intervention is centered around the existing Casa da Cultura (cultural center), with artists' stands, spaces for exhibitions and an amphitheater.
Basin Three is seen as an educational center with botanical gardens that connect to the public library located in the basin. A public space with sports facilities and parks is also proposed at Goto’s neighborhood entrance.
IDA and KfW financing.
Design Review
Pedestrian Bridges Detail Design
Construction Works Supervision
17 Milhões
2018 - 2020
AIAS – Administração de Infra-Estruturas de Abastecimento de Água e Saneamento
TPF Consultores, TPF Moçambique
TPF Engenharia