Vila Cova Wind Farm, located in Vila Real, consists of 20 wind turbines with 2 MW of unit power and a total installed power of 40 MW, including the construction of one substation and respective control building.
The connection of the Park to the power grid is carried out through a 60 kV electric line with a 5,2 km extension.
The environmental studies included:
Environmental Monitoring was carried out during the pre-construction and construction phase and during the initial exploration phase.
Environmental Impact Study
Detail Design Environmental Conformity Report (RECAPE)
Environmental Monitoring during the Pre-construction and Construction Phase
Environmental Monitoring, in the Initial Exploration Phase, of Avifauna, Flora, Chiropteran and Vegetation
2009 - 2013
ENEOP2 – Exploração de Parques Eólicos
TPF Consultores