Pinheiro Wind Farm

Pinheiro Wind Farm
Pinheiro Wind Farm
Pinheiro Wind Farm

Pinheiro Wind Farm, located in Montemuro Mountain, consists of 12 wind turbines with 1800 kW unit power, corresponding to a total installed power of 21,6 MW.

The connection of the park to the power grid is made through a 60 kV power line with a length of 8 km that connects to a Switching Station.

Each wind generator has an associated transforming station and the park's deployment includes power grids, accesses and work platforms, substation and command building.

The environmental studies included:

  • Characterization of the reference situation in order to identify and limit archaeological and ecological sensitive areas, which could condition the establishment of the wind farm;
  • Identification, forecast and assessment of potential impacts, positive or negative, arising from the implementation of the wind farm, immediate or long term, during the construction, exploration and decommissioning phases;
  • Definition of a set of measures capable of minimizing the identified potential negative impacts.

The Environmental Monitoring and the Monitoring of Fauna (avifauna, chiropteran, herpetofauna and Iberian Wolf) were carried out during the initial exploration period of the Wind Farm.

Studies developed from 1998 to 2005, 2012 and 2019.


Environmental Assessment Studies

Environmental Monitoring of the Construction Works

Environmental Impact Study for the Areas for Wind Farm Expansion

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1998 - 2019



Eólica da Cabreira, S.A.


TPF Consultores


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