The Detailed Design included:
Project follow-up from the preliminary study phase with the elaboration of the Environmental Impact Study, characterizing the reference situation of the area to be intervened, with the limitation of sensitive areas to be preserved under the ecological and archaeological aspects, identifying and evaluating the impacts of the project and proposed mitigation measures. In a second phase, the Environmental Compliance Report of the Execution Project was prepared.
Environmental and Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction Work was carried out, as well as Environmental Monitoring (birds, bats and flora, vegetation and habitats) during the phases prior to the implementation of the project, construction and exploration.
Environmental Impact Study in Preliminary Design Phase
Detailed Design Environmental Conformity Report
Detailed Design
Tender and Licensing Processes
Environmental and Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction Works
Environmental Monitoring of Bats, Birds, Flora and Vegetation
2002 - 2011
Empreendimentos Eólicos da Serra do Sicó, SA
TPF Consultores