The exploitation consists of a dam, a hydroelectric power station, a water intake with two spans of 4,50 x 4,65 m2, a fish ladder and a return channel equipped with two floodgates of 4,30 x 3,60 m2.
The volume of the reservoir created by the dam is 650 dam3.
The dam has a frontal Dumper with a development of 45 m and a height of 13 m.
The hydroelectric power plant, designed with a horizontal axis Kaplan type turbine, has a maximum power of 3560 kW, for a maximum of 36 m3/s, and a maximum gross fall of 11.
Preliminary Design Review
Environmental Impact Study Review
Base Design of Hydraulic Structures and Equipments
3,5 Milhões
2001 - 2002
GRUPO ENERSIS (ex - Hidroeléctrica de Fraga, Lda)
TPF Consultores