This exploitation is integrated into the system of which they are part dams Aguieira and Fronhas, the weir of Raiva and the dam of Coimbra Bridge.
The infrastructure base is a concrete dam, equipped with gates in the door way unloader, the water intake is followed by a tunnel with 140 m of development that leads to the central water, work that is part of the channel refund water sturboch arged.
The dam has a development of 135 m and a height of 4 m.
In the right against the weir has built a fish ladder, and a bottom discharge equipped with a motorized valve wall.
The hydroelectric power station, designed with two Kaplan turbines vertical axis has a maximum power of 9.4 MW, for a maximum flow of 75 m3 / s each, and amaximum gross fall of 8.9 m.
Preliminary Design
Detail Design
Technical Assistance to Construction Works
1997 - 1999
ESPLAN - Estudos, Projectos e Planificação de Engenharia, Lda.
TPF Consultores