Hydroelectric Power Station of Penacova

Hydroelectric Power Station of Penacova
Hydroelectric Power Station of Penacova

This exploitation is integrated into the system of which they are part dams Aguieira and Fronhas, the weir of Raiva and the dam of Coimbra Bridge.
The infrastructure base is a concrete dam, equipped with gates in the door way unloader, the water intake is followed by a tunnel with 140 m of development that leads to the central water, work that is part of the channel refund water sturboch arged.
The dam has a development of 135 m and a height of 4 m.
In the right against the weir has built a fish ladder, and a bottom discharge equipped with a motorized valve wall.
The hydroelectric power station, designed with two Kaplan turbines vertical axis has a maximum power of 9.4 MW, for a maximum flow of 75 m3 / s each, and amaximum gross fall of 8.9 m.


Preliminary Design

Detail Design

Technical Assistance to Construction Works

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1997 - 1999



ESPLAN - Estudos, Projectos e Planificação de Engenharia, Lda.


TPF Consultores


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