Hydroelectrical Reversible Station of Lagoa das Furnas

Hydroelectrical Reversible Station of Lagoa das Furnas
Hydroelectrical Reversible Station of Lagoa das Furnas
Hydroelectrical Reversible Station of Lagoa das Furnas

The feasibility study of the Reversible Station of Lagoa das Furnas for Electricity of Açores consisted of two phases.

  • Phase 1 – Dimensioning of the installations and analysis of their functioning according to curves of energy demand in 2014 in the Island of São Miguel.
  • Phase 2 – Definition of the functioning of the installation and its consequences for the hydraulic circuit of this operation regime. Preliminary Study of the building of the Station and upper reservoir with a capacity of 100 000 m3 and cost estimate of the work.

Equipment ofthe Station:

  • Hydroelectrical Station of 11,4 MW of power, with Pelton turbines with a response capacity to charge variations of about 8 MW/min.
  • Maximum Energy produced by cycle of 50 MW.
  • 5 Motor-Pump groups (4+1 of reserve) for 3,87 m3/s and a pumping height of 247 m.

Building of the Station:
The solution presented is a building with the U shape formed by two skins: the interior in pre fabricated concrete blocks associated to the concrete structure to which it is anchored and a second skin in glass covering the remaining façade. The natural ventilation of the building is guaranteed from the natural ventilation units installed on the roof.


Feasibility Study

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Work's Value

23 M€


2011 - 2011



EDA - Electricidade dos Açores


TPF Consultores

Nueva Econoler Spain


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