Detergent Factory at Kikuxi’s Industrial Complex

Detergent Factory at Kikuxi’s Industrial Complex
Detergent Factory at Kikuxi’s Industrial Complex
Detergent Factory at Kikuxi’s Industrial Complex

Manufacturing unit destined to the production of detergents for disinfection and cleaning that will be implanted in a lot with a total area of approximately 40 465 m2.

It has a main body for manufacturing, storage and shipping and also includes an entrance building, a building for the storage of perfumes and flammable products, a transformation station, a Tank Farm area, a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and a Gatehouse Entrance.

The total covered construction area of the main body is approximately 17 517 m2.

Specialties Project: Modeling of Platforms and Paving, Domestic Water Networks and Fire Network, Domestic and Industrial Sewage Network including Pluvial Drainage and Stability including Metallic Structure.


Preliminary Design

Detail Design

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2010 - 2011





TPF Consultores


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