Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone

Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone
Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone
Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone

Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a reference industrial space for the establishment of economic activities of production, transformation and manufacturing and has a global area of 8,300 ha and an equivalent population of 300,000 inhabitants.

It encompasses a Central Nucleus, composed of five buildings intended for the establishment of administrative activities, and is divided into four Quadrants. Each quadrant is subdivided into platforms, each designed with the necessary infrastructure for the proper functioning of the entire space for the implementation of several manufacturing units. Each Manufacturing Unit is made up of a prefabricated superstructure and adjoining support buildings, gatehouse, cafeteria, water and fuel tanks, emergency generators, material, and finished product storage, as well as parking lots and streets, water, sewage, electricity, and telecommunications networks. Each building in the Central Nucleus has an area of 1120 m and a height development of three elevated floors, except for one of the buildings that develops on 4 elevated floors.

This project includes the following main works:

  • Water Distribution Infrastructure 37.5 km;
  • Domestic Sewage Infrastructure 42.5 km;
  • Wastewater Treatment - 1;
  • Rain Sewage Infrastructure - 51.1 km;
  • Technical Galleries - 10 km;
  • Road Infrastructure - Paved Area 800 000 m²;
  • Electrical Infrastructure - 142.5 km;
  • Communications, Data and Security Infrastructure - 12 km;
  • 60/30 kV Substation - 1;
  • 60 kV overhead line - 25 km;
  • Water reservoirs with 100 m³ and Pumping Stations with 20 kVA -35;
  • Water reservoir with 200 m³ and Pumping Station with 120 kW - 1;
  • Expansion of water reserve with 3 000 m³ and Pumping Station with 260 kW – 1.


Preliminary Design

Detail Design

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Work's Value

540 M€


2007 - 2013



Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Zona Económica Exclusiva (Z.E.E.), E.P.


TPF Consultores


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