Ring at Level 200 (II)

Expressway with 3600 m long, inconjunction with the Phase 1 (2400 m), connects the West and East exits of Funchal. It presents a cross-section of 4-way of 3.25 m each, arranged in two lanes with central separator.

The section has 4 knots (knot of West Exit, knot of Santo Antonio, knot of Stª. Luzia, knot of Viveiros and 3 double tunnels (Tunnel João Abel de Freitas with 580 m, Tunnel of Marmeleiros with 740 m and tunnel Quinta da Palmeira 260 m), which connects to the 1st. Phase of this circular by the train viaduct that is 200 m long.

Over the valleys of the rivers the track has 5 bridges (Ribeiro Seco Bridge com188 m, São João Bridge with 148m and Penteada bridge with 64 m).

For restoration of intersectedroads were built 3 underpasses (one of which is 267 m) and 5 overpasses.

Every track is fenced with plasticized mesh and are also included works of landscaping, lighting, security, ventilation of tunnels and regularization of Rivers of São João and Santa Luzia.


Construction Works Supervision

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Work's Value

71 Milhões


1997 - 2000



SREST (Secretaria Regional do Equipamento Social e Transportes)


TPF Consultores


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