Hydraulic Circuit of Baleizão-Quintos and Respective Irrigation Block

Hydraulic Circuit of Baleizão-Quintos and Respective Irrigation Block
Hydraulic Circuit of Baleizão-Quintos and Respective Irrigation Block

The contract encompasses the preparation of the Environmental Impact Study and Implementation of the Project of irrigation infrastructure, drainage and road associated with the improvement of about 8010 ha for irrigation and is part of Irrigation Global System of the Multi-purpose Development of Alqueva. It integrates the following partial projects:

  • Primary Adductor (gravity circuit 8.4 km in total length);
  • Reservoir Estácio (for modelling in the field; useful storage volume is 119,592 m3);

  • Pumping station of Estácio (1 step pumping; raising a maximum flow of 4.8 m3 / s);

  • Conduct lift between the pumping station and the Estácio R1 reservoir (about 827 meters in length);

  • Reservoir R1 (in reinforced concrete, the total volume of the reservoir 2415.7 m3);

  • Secondary Irrigation Network (101.4 km in length);

  • Road Network (improvement of 3 roads and construction of three new, in a total length of 21km);

  • Drainage Network (interventions in 21 water lines with a total length of 57.3 km).


Environmental Impact Study in the Detailed Design Phase;

Avifauna, Ichthyofauna, Water Resources and Soil Monitoring Plans;

Biophysical and Landscape Recovery Plan;

Construction and Demolition Waste Prevention and Management Plan;

Landscape Integration Measures for the R1 Reservoir and the Estácio Pumping Station.

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2010 - 2011



EDIA - Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infra-estruturas do Alqueva


TPF Consultores



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