Hospital Complex Pedro Maria Tonha "Pedalé"

Hospital Complex Pedro Maria Tonha "Pedalé"
Hospital Complex Pedro Maria Tonha "Pedalé"
Hospital Complex Pedro Maria Tonha "Pedalé"

The Hospital Complex Pedro Maria Tonha "Pedalé" is located in Morro Bento, in Luanda, on a plot of land with a total area of about 32,000 m2.

The main building is developed on three floors with a total construction area of 29,062 m2, which includes the external technical areas.

The hospital complex will include, in addition to the main building, another 3 buildings: one that will house the administrative services, a training center in robotic surgery, histocompatibility laboratory and other for parking (with a rooftop heliport) and the third, as a support area.

The functional organization of the Hospital is as follows:

Floor -1 (about 5050 m2)

  • Technical Areas: water reservoirs, thermal power station and gas central;
  • Support Services for hospital operation: locker rooms, warehouses, hospital pharmacy, kitchen, laundry, sterilization, mortuary and hospital waste storage;
  • Clinical Services: Radiotherapy area (with two treatment rooms (with two linear accelerators), a brachytherapy room and a simulator) and Nuclear Medicine area (PET room, Gamma-chamber room and micro-cyclotron for production of radiopharmaceuticals).

Floor 0 (about 7940 m2), with the following functional areas/services:

  • Entrances: Main Entrance (with a Reception and Coffee Service for the public) and differential Entries for Urgencies and External Consultations;
  • External Consultations: 36 consultation offices and 16 examination rooms;
  • Imaging Examination Rooms: Magnetic Resonance, CT, X-ray, Ultrasound, Mammography and Angiography;
  • Oncologic Day Hospital;
  • Emergency: with separation between Adult Emergency (7 cabinets) and Paediatric Emergency (4 cabinets);
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: encompasses a gym and hydrotherapy treatment room with an underwater treadmill;
  • Laboratory area: with blood collection area, blood bank with 3-donor collection stations, clinical pathology laboratory and pathological anatomy;
  • Cafeteria.

    At ground 0, and independent of the main building, there are two outer buildings intended for the Retail Pharmacy and the Haemodialysis Centre.

Floor 1 (about 7916 m2), with the following functional areas/services:

  • Operating Rooms: 5 operating rooms, one of which is for robotic surgery (using the Da Vinci surgical robot);
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU): 16 beds, one nursing station and work room;
  • Intermediate Care Unit: 16 beds;
  • Labor and Delivery Rooms: 2 Labor and Delivery Rooms, Preparation and Recovery areas;
  • Admissions: 74 patient rooms, all with natural light, with several typologies: single, double, triple, VIP and isolation, totalling 111 beds.


Detail Design

Construction Works Supervision

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Work's Value

101 M€


2012 - ONGOING





TPF Consultores, TPF Angola


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