Setiha Tunnel

Setiha Tunnel
Setiha Tunnel
Setiha Tunnel

The study of the tunnel crossing under Mount Setiha is part of the modernization of the RN 43 between Jijel and Skikda, aiming not only to offer users a shorter route, but also to improve their conditions of security.

Road tunnel excavated according to the NATM method with a cross section of 9.76 m x 5.00 m, with a length of 935 m and an emergency gallery with a cross section of 4.00 m x 4.00 m and a length of 700 m.


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2013 - 2018



Ministério das Obras Públicas e de Transportes / Direção das Obras Públicas da Wilaya de Skikda


TPF Consultores


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