The plant is located in the municipality of Vila Real de Santo António and is to serve the districts of Vila Real de Santo Antonio and Castro Marim. The population to be served is 97,500 inhabitants. equi. in the high season beginning in the year of the project and 116,500 inhabitants. equi. in high season in 2018. The plant provides a scheme of treatment which includes:
Stabilized muds collected in the secondary clarifiers are treated in aline consisting of: - mechanical thickeners; - thickened mud storage tank; - Mechanical centrifugal dehydration; - dehydrated mud storage silos. After treatment, the effluent is led to the receiving through a marine outfall in HDPEDN 1000 with a total length of 320 m.
Construction Works Supervision
4,3 Milhões
2007 - 2009
Águas do Algarve, S.A.
TPF Consultores