Rehabilitation of Small and Medium Irrigated Perimeters

Rehabilitation of Small and Medium Irrigated Perimeters
Rehabilitation of Small and Medium Irrigated Perimeters
Rehabilitation of Small and Medium Irrigated Perimeters

This study specifically aims to propose an operational methodology for the rehabilitation of 2.500 ha of small and medium irrigated perimeters (from 50 to 500 hectares), in 3 successive lots, with associated accompanying measures. 

The feasibility study defined accurately the modalities to support the development of irrigated agriculture in terms of choice of perimeters to be rehabilitated; definition of technical rehabilitation modalities; definition of maintenance and operating procedures; proposing a management advisory mechanism to organizations benefiting from these infrastructures.

The area of the study was distributed in 3 lots: 

  • Kwanza Norte (Lot A): Cazengo, Lucala, Cambambe, Gulungo Alto
  • Malanje (Lot B): Malanje and Cacuso
  • Kwanza Sul (Lot C): Quibala, Libolo, Cela, Mussende, Quilenda and Amboim

Financed by the World Bank and AFD


Feasibility Study and Bidding Documents, including for each Irrigated Perimeter (Cacala, Coreia, Cauá and Gangassol):

- Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental Management Plans, Waste Management Plans, Health and Safety Plans, Pest Management Plans, Resettlement Plans (simplified), as applicable.

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Work's Value

476 185 M€


2020 - 2021



República de Angola, Ministério da Agricultura e Pescas, Projeto de Desenvolvimento da Agricultura Comercial e (PDAC)


TPF Consultores

TPF Angola


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