Movement Areas' Rehabilitation at Uíge Aerodrome

Movement Areas
Movement Areas
Movement Areas

This project concerns the rehabilitation of movement areas of Uíge Aerodrome, to improve the safety conditions of air transport operations, particularly for new aircraft operating in Angola such as the Boeing 727-200 and 737-700 W.

Uige’s Aerodrome has a runway 2 000 m long and 30 m wide, two taxiways and an apron.

The runway, the taxiways and the apron present a much-deteriorated asphalt pavement, with cracks, wheel paths erosion and several depressions. The Aerodrome does not have any shoulders, or any ground cleared runway strip protections (STRIP) nor any Runway End Safety Areas (RESA).

The rehabilitation includes the existent pavement improvement, the extension of the runway to 2 300 m through earthworks, the increase of the apron width to 45 m, the introduction of paved shoulders, the ground clearance and earthworks of the runway strip protection, and the construction of RESA’s areas, in order to obtain a 4C classification.

The indicators and signalling devices, markings of the runway, taxiways and apron, as well as the adequate lighting signs to non-precision instrument approaches were also included in this project.


Geological and Geotechnical Study

Preliminary Design

Detailed Design

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Work's Value

27 Milhões


2008 - 2010



Tecnovia Angola Lda


TPF Consultores

Project Owner

ENANA – Empresa Nacional de Exploração de Aeroportos e Navegação Aérea de Angola


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